Stalking is any persistent and unwanted behaviour, that makes you feel scared or upset. Suzy Lamplugh Trust’s definition of Stalking is ‘A pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour which is repeated, persistent, intrusive and causes fear of violence or engenders alarm and distress in the victim.’
Stalking can be perpetrated by both men and women, and you may or may not know the perpetrator.
Stalking behaviour could constitute:
- Following someone or waiting for them
- Sending gifts or flowers
- Unwanted or malicious communication
- Watching or spying on someone
- Turning up at someones home or workplace
- Damaging your possessions
- Making threats to hurt someone
Stalking can sometimes seem trivial, and you might be worried to seem like you are ‘making a fuss’ – but it is important that you tell someone if any of this is happening to you as Stalking is a crime.
You might feel that there is no threat from the perpetrator’s behaviour, and that their behaviour is harmless, however it is important to report it and get support, as statistics show that Stalking can get progressively worse and become dangerous, and won’t simply go away on it’s own if it is ignored.
In Nottinghamshire you can access free and confidential support for stalking:
Non Domestic Stalking – (if you haven’t been in a relationship with the perpetrator)
Women’s Helpline: 0115 947 6490
Men’s Helpline: 0115 960 5556
Domestic Stalking – (if you have been in a relationship with the perpetrator)
Women’s helpline: 0808 800 0340
Men’s helpline: 0115 960 5556
(for more information on this also see our pages on Domestic Abuse. )