If you have been a victim of crime, don’t suffer in silence. Even if you do not want to report the crime to the police, think about telling a trusted friend or family member so they can help and support you. Nottinghamshire Victim CARE can also provide you with help and support even if you do not want to report the crime to the Police.
Victim CARE can provide:
Emotional support to help you cope and recover from the crime
Advocacy with other agencies and organisations
Advice on crime prevention and provision of target hardening equipment (if required)
Practical support and advice
Restorative Justice
Support applying to Criminal Injuries Compensation (CICA)
Call Nottinghamshire Victim CARE on 0800 304 7575.
You can report hate crime through a number of ways.
You can contact the Police on 101 and make a report.
You can also speak to a Caseworker at Nottinghamshire Victim CARE, who can assist you in reporting a hate crime.
What is Hate Crime? +
Hate crime is term that describes a range of criminal behaviour that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of someone’s sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
A Hate Crime could include threats, physical violence, intimidation, harassment or bullying, but could also include criminal damage.
Hate Crime can have a significant impact on a victim’s wellbeing emotionally, but there is a lot of support you can access across Nottinghamshire.
Local support organisations +
Nottinghamshire Victim CARE can support victims of Hate Crime, but there are also local organisations that can offer support too.
Support for victims of anti-Semitism: Community Security Trust
Everyone reacts differently to experiencing a crime. It is important however to recognise that whatever has happened to you, it can still feel like a violation.
If you have any physical injuries, it is important that you get these checked out as soon as possible at either a walk in centre or Accident and Emergency – you can find your local urgent care centre here https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/Urgent-Care/LocationSearch/0
You might also find that you feel suddenly quite emotional, you might struggle to sleep properly or feel anxious being in your home or out and about. It is important that you recognise that all of these are not unusual to experience following any crime.
Some ways you can help yourself during this time:
Let your friends and family know what has happened, and if you feel comfortable, tell them how you feel
If possible, speak to your workplace or school – see whether they can offer flexibility or time off to sort things out
If you are struggling with your emotional wellbeing, speak to your GP – they may be able to refer you for counselling
The NHS Moodzone pages have a lot of tips on how to boost your emotional wellbeing which you can find here.
Future Steps to Feeling Safer +
Here are some tips to follow if you are out and about.
Stay alert – awareness is your best defence.
Leave venues with friends wherever possible.
Try to stay in well-lit areas.
Be confident – even if you don’t feel it.
Travel as if you know where you are going.
Take the most direct route and try to stay within areas where other people are around.
Trust your instincts – if you think something is wrong then act on it.
Have your keys available when you reach your home or car.
Keep money for taxis – the expense is worth it.
Carry a personal alarm and use it when necessary.
Here are some useful tips for keeping safe on the Internet:
The Internet provides endless opportunities to meet people from all over the world. You must however remember to use common sense. It is easy to get swept-up into a fantasy world, but reality requires us to use caution.
Do not give out personal details, photographs, or any other information that could be used to identify you, your family, or where you live.
Do not take other people at face value – they may not be what they seem.
Never arrange to meet someone you’ve only ever previously met on the Internet, without telling a friend and giving them as much detail as possible about the person that you’re meeting and where.
Do not open an attachment or download a file unless you know and trust the person who has sent it.
Never respond directly to anything you find disturbing when using the Internet or email. Log off, and report it.